
{E: 2 months} :

WOW! Two month old little baby girl; How blessed am I to be able to capture such a sweet little human being at this age? What a special memory this mama is going to be able to keep for a lifetime now, & I was able to capture it! Thank you, Thank you for trusting me with this special time in your life. This is now the youngest little human I have EVER photographed! So with that being said, be nice, but I would love any feedback you may have! It was so hard for me to know what you can do with someone who really can't move or do anything alone. I really enjoyed capturing her though lying there, wondering, & falling asleep. Those I feel are seriously some of the sweetest photos you can have! I hope you enjoy them as much as I do! Thanks for your continued support & feedback. You all are seriously wonderful!!! 

{everything is so little!}

{even with the pacafier she is precious!}

{L.O.V.E; one of my favorites!}


{4th of July Weekend & Room Project} :

This weekend was a much needed relaxing weekend; for the { 4th } we spent the day at home with family. In the morning Austin, Brittany, & I went to the popular Waffle Crush food truck & started the morning with a red, white, & blue waffles that were so yummy & so patriotic! Unfortunately, Landon had to work, so we dropped off a waffle to him for being such an awesome sport working on the holidays {boo too Harkins}! We then came home, went swimming, Landon finally came home, & we started the night with fireworks out front, climbed to the top of the roof to watch the Tempe Town Lake fireworks, and then lit up some more fireworks in the front yard! To say the least it was really fun & nice to be with family this holiday weekend. 


This weekend was also great for a fun project weekend. As most of you know.. Landon & I moved into my dads house in January preparing financially for when I start ASU in August. These past 6 months our room has really been bothering us. Going from an apartment to { 1 } single bedroom is 
H A R D work! So our room had a lot going on in here for such a little space. So this weekend we finally buckled down, drop the cash, & reorganized our room. It feels so nice to finally have this done & to walk into a clean, organized, and fun bedroom! 
                               { Special thanks too Landon for doing all the manly work! }

{Happy 4th of July!}
{Look at this cutie!}

{Landon & Austin}
{Landon, Austin, Dad} 
{Dad & Mer}
{Landon & I; I love you}
{Sparklers & Smoke}
{Brittany & I} 

{The Kiddos on the Roof!}

{ F L O W E R S }

{Sparkler Fun!}


{The Collage} 
{His & Hers Closet}

{Our Movie Posters!}

{Our Souvenir Cups from Disneyland!}


{Wrap With Me Paige P: My New Journey} :


So as most of you know this is my personal blog, so sometimes I do post more than just my photo shoots on here, & now is one of those times. About 3 months ago I decided to take a leap of faith... about a month prior to this leap I started stalking this girls Instagram and Facebook, seeing what this "Crazy Wrap Thing" was and how successful she was going to be with this business. I had several meetings and text conversations with her about joining & finally at the end of March we met at Starbucks & I finally trusted my guts & joined my ItWorks {family}! And let me tell you, I am SO happy I made that decision. It's been about 3 months since I've joined and I couldn't be happier. This crazy wrap thing is more than just some fad that you'll try and spend all this money on to try and loose weight and it never works, trust me. I have probably tried every shortcut there is, or close to it. I am not one who always wants to put in the effort. The reason for this is because I can hit the gym for a month straight, 7 days a week for several hours a day & see minimal results, it's just really hard for me to loose weight. As most of you know who are in the same boat as me, thats really discouraging. Well about a year prior to joining I heard about this crazy wrap thing & tried it seeing AMAZING results, but still was curious about it and I didn't get all the information I was really wanting from it. A year later a friend of mine joined who I ended up joining with and she was able to give me all the answers I needed. Now that I am more informed and more committed to my health than I was previously these wraps have truly been a life changer for me. I wrapped once and saw AMAZING results. They keep me motivated to keep working out, eating healthier, while giving me some results along the way and I have recently broke through my plateau and dropped down 7 lbs. I know that doesn't seem like a lot, but I am officially out of the 90's weight group that I have been in for about 6 months & that is a HUGE accomplishment for me! So now I am sure you are asking yourself, what are these crazy wrap things she keeps talking about? Well let me tell you! First off they are an all natural product, & no I am not just saying that! Look at the ingredients.. no fillers, no harsh chemicals, just pure natural stuff. These wraps are a cloth wrap that are infused with a botanically-based formula. I helps reduce the appearance of cellulite and stretch marks, while slimming you down by tightening, toning, and firming the skin. These wraps can be used anywhere from the chin down! This is not a water loss wrap like the ones you find at the saloon spending hundreds on dollars on, they are actually a detox wrap! When the lotion gets absorbed into your skin, it goes into each individual fat cell and pulls the toxins out to slim you down! If you are interested in trying one of these amazing wraps you can try one through me for only $25; a full treatment for $100 {4 wraps}; or a full treatment as a loyal client for only $59 {4 wraps}! As a loyal client you get to sign up completely free! All you need is to complete a 3 month auto shipment, you earn perk points {free money}, and get 40% off all our products! If you want to take a leap of faith like me & becoming a distributor of this amazing product text / call me: 480.773.9360 or email me: wrapwithmepaigep@gmail.com. You earn wrap cash, commission, & bonuses! Since joining this business 3 months ago, I have never been short money and have always always always made a profit. There really is nothing to loose, except inches! Join my team today, and live the G.O.O.D {get out of debt} life tomorrow! wrapwithmepaigep.myitworks.com

{ItWorks! AZ Sports Expo Booth 2014!}
{DIY: ItWorks! Clipboards! Clipboards: Target; Paper,
Ribbon, Mod Podge Matte,Stickers: Hobby Lobby}
{All Green Everything!} 
{Essentials for Wrapping: Wraps, Saran Wrap, Measuring Tape,
Blitz Cards, Instructions, & a Pen!}